RYE Newsletter Volume 15: EdTech Insights to Start the New Year Off Right


A Message from Larissa


Happy New Year!

I love a "New Year, New You" vibe. This time of year, I always reflect on what I've accomplished, personally and professionally, and then set goals for the upcoming year. Perhaps you and your team do the same, and maybe your goal is pulling the lever on procurement in 2024. If so, I hope you will join me in our upcoming Procurement: Pathway to Sales Workshop, where I will teach you how to use the K-12 procurement process to increase your brand recognition, partnership footprint, and revenue in districts across the country.

Larissa Bennett | 📧 larissa@ryeconsult.com

Professional Learning Lead: Global Training and Implementation Consultant


🇺🇸 State Deep Dive Webinar Series | We are excited to bring back our popular Live Learning Series in 2024, with Texas, California, and New York confirmed! We want to hear what additional states you would like to explore with us. Cast your vote!

📈 The AI Playbook for EdTech Customer Success | February 13th | Featuring Keith Kostrzewski of sideKick. Reserve your spot.

💰 Procurement: Pathway to Sales Workshop | February 20th | Ready to start 2024 with procurement power moves? Join our 4-session workshop series starting in February! This series will focus on helping early-stage companies tackle the K-12 RFP process. Reserve your spot.

🏫 Strengthen Your Solution by Understanding the Top Challenges Facing PK-12 Education | March 12th | Featuring Dr. Jennifer Ferrari, CEO of the Education Research and Development Institute (ERDI). Reserve your spot.


1️⃣ FETC 2024 | Will you be in Orlando later this month? Let's connect at the Expo Hall! Complete this form to let us know you'll be there and how we can help you make the conference a success.

 2️⃣ SXSWedu | Ya'll ready for SXSWedu this March? Let us know you'll be in Austin, and we hope to see you at our booth.

 3️⃣ The 10 Most Significant Education Studies of 2023, via Edutopia | From AI to Classroom Culture and Core Curriculum approach, how will the research of 2023 impact your practice in 2024?


FTC Proposes Long-Anticipated Changes to COPPA Rules
By Christopher S. Schuster, Counsel and Managing Member, CSS Law Group

For the first time since 2012, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) published a series of proposed revisions to the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) Rules. The proposed changes reflect the FTC’s commitment to adapting the pertinent regulations to the evolving online landscape and
technological advancements, especially within the EdTech space.

Of particular note are the following proposed changes:

  • The proposed rules provide for codification of current guidance on education technology that allows schools to authorize the collection of personal information from students under 13 for educational purposes. The definitions of both school and school-authorized educational purpose are clarified to specifically exclude commercial purposes.

  • The proposed rules would implement strict data retention and deletion requirements emphasizing that covered entities may only retain personal information for the specific purpose for which it was collected. Covered entities would be required to publicly post their data retention policies.

  • Covered entities would be required to implement and maintain a separate, written personal information security program specifically for children’s data. This security program should include risk assessments, safeguards and annual evaluations.

  • Covered entities would be required to obtain separate, opt-in consent for sharing of children’s data, especially for targeted advertising purposes. This ensures that parents can consent to data collection without necessarily agreeing to data disclosure/sharing.

  • The proposed rules would expand the definition of personal information to include biometric identifiers. The notice also seeks additional comment regarding the inclusion of avatars generated from a child’s image and whether inferred data should be included in the definition of personal information.

  • The proposed rules also require notice and consent for engagement-enhancing techniques, including push notifications.

The full-text of the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, issued on December 20, 2023 is available here. We encourage all EdTech companies to provide feedback on these extensive changes during the 60-day public comment period. We will continue monitoring developments and provide additional guidance on the impact of these revisions. We will publish more detailed information and any updates via the Resources page on our website and will continue to provide updated information and resources through
RYE Consulting.


Khan Academy: Regional Sales Account Executive Northeast & Southeast
PikMyKid: Sales Account Executive
California & Texas
Director, Global Sales Readiness and Performance
Carnegie Learning: Professional Learning Specialist (Part-Time)
Mathematics, World Languages, Literacy & Bilingual-Literacy

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