US Edtech: Student Data Privacy Laws

published in partnership with CSS Law Group


Free Guide: to Data Privacy in 5 Key States


In today's rapidly evolving educational landscape, US EdTech companies must prioritize understanding student data privacy laws to ensure compliance across all 50 states. At the federal level, the laws revolve primarily around parental rights and consent. States are mainly on their own regarding student data privacy legislation as it relates to state boards of education, local educational agencies (LEAs), and individual schools, creating a minefield for companies managing compliance at a nuanced level.

California has several rules focusing directly on student data privacy. The Student Online Personal Information Protection Act (“SOPIPA”) was passed in 2014 and took effect in 2016. It is the earliest and most widely copied EdTech privacy law, specifically addressing the changing nature of technology usage in schools by putting responsibility for compliance on the tech industry.

SOPIPA restricts how website and application operators operate in the K-12 education space. It prevents personal identifying information from being used to target ads, create commercial profiles or advertisements, or sell any collected data. This law applies to such entities even if they are not based in California as long as their services are used in California. Unlike the federal Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA), under SOPIPA, entities have direct liability.

In addition to California insights, this resource will empower your business by identifying the EdTech compliance required for key states, including New York, Illinois, Florida, and Texas. Ready to Raise Your Expertise? Download the full guide and sign up for Chris Schuster’s webinar with us, The Alphabet Soup of Data Privacy, on Dec 10, 2024.



InsightRayna Yaker