RFP# 25-08 Web-Based Supplemental Programs
Grade Level: K-8
Mount Holly Township School District, a public school district, preschool (pre-K) through grade 8, is seeking the provision of a web-based software program that will provide continuous assessment that offers the ability to measure student proficiency in New Jersey State Learning Standards and District Standards in realtime and at fixed points in time. The firm will provide students, from K-8, with a supply-specific, personalized action plan that will be supplemental material to promote academic progress. The firm will provide a comprehensive curriculum with interactive plans aligned to the NJSLS and core curriculum textbooks. Firms that provide Research-Based Design Product Certification products are preferred. The firm will provide teachers and administrators with consultation and professional development to deploy assessments and instruction that reflect New Jersey standards and NJSLA testing.
RYE Note: Visit the district website for questions.