7:00 PM19:00

Chesterfield County Public Schools- SEL Assessment

25000262 Social Emotional Learning Assessment

Grade Level: K-12

Chesterfield County Public Schools, consisting of 67 schools and serving over 64,000 students, is seeking to provide a strengths-based screening and diagnostic assessment tool of student social-emotional competencies as well as a system for analyzing data to determine needs for SEL instruction and subsequent strategies to complement current SEL programming.

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Omaha Public Schools- IEP AI Software

P007-25 IEP Artificial Intelligence Software

Grade Level: K-12

Omaha Public Schools, currently serving approximately 11,500 students with disabilities, invites proposals for Special Education Artificial Intelligence Software. The District is seeking Software that the District will use to create individualized education programs for the District’s students with disabilities. The District’s Curriculum and Instruction Support Department, Special Education Division, seeks proposals for Software, which includes an online platform with the ability to create drafts of IEPs or portions of IEPs for the District’s students with disabilities based upon information shared by District teachers, staff, and other IEP participants, including the student’s parents or guardians that is input into the platform by District users. The proposed Software must maintain student and family confidentiality and privacy.

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7:00 PM19:00

Buffalo Public Schools- AI Software

25-0627E4-090 AI Software

Grade Level: K-12

The Buffalo Public School District, serving over 30,000 students, is seeking proposals for an instructional platform that uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) to enhance educational experiences for educators and students in the K12 setting. The platform should be useful across all content areas, feature-rich, and continually updated to meet the evolving needs of the education sector. Project Overview: The goal of the project is to implement an AI platform that is a comprehensive solution for all AI needs in education, providing tools and features for teachers and students and aimed at building AI literacy and promoting responsible usage in K12 education.

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7:00 PM19:00

Murray City School District- Student Wellness and SEL Curriculum

RA25-57 Student Wellness and Social-Emotional Learning Curriculum

Grade Level: K-6

Murray City School District, a small urban city south of Utah’s capitol, Salt Lake City includes seven elementary schools (K-6) and invites qualified vendors to submit proposals to provide a comprehensive, evidence-based Student Wellness and Social Emotional Learning (SEL) curriculum for elementary students beginning in the 2025-2026 school year. The goal is to support students' emotional well-being, enhance social skills, and foster a positive school climate.

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7:00 PM19:00

El Paso County School District 49- RFI College and Career Readiness Software

RFI College and Career Readiness (CCR) Software Solution

Grade Level: K-12

El Paso County School District 49, serving a diverse population of 15,000 students, is seeking information from qualified vendors regarding a comprehensive, integrated College and Career Readiness (CCR) software solution to support our students, educators, and families. The district currently utilizes multiple tools, including YouScience, Tallo, and PowerSchool, but seeks a consolidated platform that enhances accessibility, engagement, and actionable data tracking.

The purpose of this RFI is to:
● Gather information about available solutions that align with our district’s needs.
● Identify vendors capable of providing an integrated and user-friendly CCR platform.
● Inform the development of a formal Request for Proposal (RFP) or Documented Quotes.

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7:00 PM19:00

Park City School District- College and Career Readiness Platform

022625 College and Career Readiness Platform for 9-12

Grade Level: 9-12

Park City School District, serving over 4,500 students, is seeking to adopt a platform that provides tools for students in grades 9-12 to explore careers, plan academics, and navigate college applications, including financial aid and scholarship tracking. The platform should be able to facilitate secure communication among students, parents, and counselors while offering personalized aptitude tests and/or interest inventories to guide decision-making. The goal of the district is to have the platform centralize document management, track progress with analytics, and integrate with existing school systems for seamless operation. Additionally, the district would like the customizable features to ensure alignment with school priorities, supporting a collaborative approach to student success.

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Des Moines Public Schools- AP Environmental Science

1108 AP Environmental Science

Grade Level: 9-12

Des Moines Public Schools, educating approximately 31,000 students annually, is seeking proposals from qualified firms interested in providing the highest quality materials (Digital and Print materials) for AP Environmental Science and related services at the lowest cost to the District (spend around $50,000).

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Fulton County Schools- College and Career Readiness Platform

166-25, College and Career Readiness Platform

Grade Level: K-12

Fulton County Schools, projected to have over 87,000 students for the 2024-2025 school year, is soliciting proposals from a qualified Contractor to provide a web-based, K-12 Comprehensive College and Career Readiness Platform to ensure all students are exposed to self-exploration and guided planning in the development of an individualized, post-secondary transition plan.

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7:00 PM19:00

Richland School District Two_Districtwide College & Career Readiness Platform

24-2530 Districtwide College & Career Readiness Platform

Grade Level: 6-12

Richland School District Two, serving over 28,000 students district-wide, seeks proposals to establish a contract for a College & Career Readiness Platform. This platform will serve as a comprehensive tool designed to assist students districtwide in managing career development and growth. The platform should help students plan, track, and achieve their career goals through a range of features and functionalities.

In addition to school counselors, career coaches, and teachers, a comprehensive platform should be designed to provide career guidance and career development opportunities to students and their parents seeking to make informed career choices.

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7:00 PM19:00

Denver Public Schools - College and Career Readiness

BD2531 College and Career Readiness Solution

Grade Level: 6-12

Denver Public Schools, the largest district in Colorado, is seeking a comprehensive K-12 college and career readiness solution. These requirements are intended to serve as a baseline reference. Suppliers shall submit detailed descriptions of their solutions capabilities: The proposal must include state-mandated Individual Career and Academic Plans (“ICAP”) capability. The solution must cover grades 6 through 12, which includes approximately 36,000 students in the District, plus charter school students.
DPS is interested in expanding access to elementary schools as well.

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Vail Unified School District No. 20- AI Tools for K-12 Education

25-008-29 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tools for K-12 Education

Grade Level: K-12

The Vail Unified School District, located in southwest Arizona serves twenty-three school sites and approximately 15,000 students across the areas of Vail, Tucson, and Corona de Tucson. The District is undertaking a project to implement an Artificial Inelegance (AI) Tool that supports both instructional and administrative needs by enhancing educational resources, providing personalized student support, and optimizing teacher workflows. This tool should prioritize student data privacy, ease of use, and adaptability, and contain key features designed to ensure safety, accessibility, and scalability. The District is seeking a "walled garden" environment that will be a secure digital space for students and staff, blocking unsafe content while integrating robust data privacy protections.

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7:00 PM19:00

Jersey City Public Schools- IEP System for Special Education Systems

PD25-26-CC1-001 Individualized Education Plan System for Special Education Systems

Grade Level: K-12

The Jersey City Public School District Special Education Department, the third largest school district in the state of New Jersey, is seeking proposals from a qualified vendor to provide a Special Education IEP management system to meet the monitoring requirements of the Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act and in conjunction with New Jersey Administrative Code 6A:14

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Poudre School District R-1- SEL Curriculum

147-25 Students Success Skills - Social Emotional Learning Curriculum

Grade Level: K-5

PSD is looking for social-emotional learning at the elementary level to implement and support a more systematic and explicit curriculum that aligns with the CASEL competencies. There are 32 elementary schools within PSD. The district is seeking an evidence-based, upstream prevention program that employs a strength-based approach to improving the health and well-being of individuals, schools, and communities. It would be necessary for this social-emotional learning curriculum to have a focus on mental health, bullying, substance abuse, violence, and suicide prevention. Another key component of the curriculum is a focus on family and community partnerships.

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7:00 PM19:00

Puyallup School District No. 3_Student Information System

25-B2501 Student Information System (SIS)

Grade Level: K-12

The Puyallup School District is the sixth largest district in the state of Washington, serving a population of approximately 144,030 residents and encompassing 54 square miles. Vendors are invited to submit proposals for a turnkey, cloud or vendor-hosted Student Information System (SIS), to include data migration, integration, training and customization. This project will select a new SIS that meets current requirements and has flexibility for future needs. While the primary purpose of this project is to replace eSchoolPlus, related products may be considered as part of an entire platform. Robust training, targeted to different user groups, will be included in the implementation project. The new Student Information System must be fully implemented by July 2026, to begin school year 2026-27.

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Fulton County Public Schools-Student Success Skills SEL

147-25 Students Success Skills - Social Emotional Learning Curriculum

Grade Level: K-12

Fulton County Schools (FCS) is the fourth largest school system in Georgia serving over 87,000 students. FCS is seeking proposals from qualified Offerors with expertise in the following eight categories (see page 31), aiming to demonstrate evidence-based practices, implementation fidelity, alignment to district priorities, effective delivery methods, robust training and coaching, sustainability, equity, and cost-effectiveness. Offerors must provide supporting data for their capabilities in each category.

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Coppell ISD- Student Data Management System

112-25 Addendum 1 Student Data Management System (IEP/FIE, LPAC, Section 504)

Grade Level: K-12

Coppell ISD employs approximately 1,200 staff members and serves nearly 14,000 students. The district is seeking a Student Data Management System that must meet the needs within its platform for the following modules: Full Individualized Evaluation (FIE) writer, Individualized Education Plan (IEP), Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC), and Section 504. Proposers’ responses will be evaluated and ranked based on the criteria described in this RFP. If a software(s) is available that meets the District’s needs, the District may then enter into contract discussions with the selected proposer.

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7:00 PM19:00

Aurora Public Schools-College and Career Success Readiness Platform

3379-24 College and Career Success Readiness Platform

Grade Level: K-12

Aurora Public Schools, currently the fifth largest school district out of 179 districts in the State of Colorado is seeking proposals for the procurement and implementation of a comprehensive College and Career Readiness Software Platform. The new system will replace the current platform, Naviance, which has been in use for the past 15 years. APS aims to upgrade to a more advanced and efficient solution that will support our college and career readiness initiatives, including ICAP, career research, college information, and transcript management for college admissions and scholarships. See pages 14-17 for scope of work specifics.

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Hazelwood School District

Virtual Teacher Services

Grade Level: K-12

The Hazelwood School District is a nationally recognized, diverse community of learners serving nearly 17,000 students. The district seeks a vendor to provide Instructional services for blended learning, online learning, and fully virtual solutions for K-12 entities.

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7:00 PM19:00

Casa Grande Elementary School District No. 4- Data Warehouse and Dashboard Platform

192-1524 Data Warehouse and Dashboard Platform

Grade Level: K-12

The Casa Grande Elementary School District has approximately 6,500 students and 950 staff members in 13 schools. The District seeks a robust, open platform and content-neutral Data Dashboard solution. This solution must centralize data for improved analysis, reporting, and decision-making. It will integrate with existing systems such as PowerSchool SIS, Tyler Infinite Visions HR & Financial system, and Galileo K-12. The solution will provide customized reports, training, and knowledge transfer associated with the data warehouse and dashboard. Any solution must be scalable to provide expandability and growth to the District as a whole. The solution will enable administrators, educators, parents, and community members to analyze data, report results, and assess student performance.

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Dallas ISD- Student Wrap Around Program (Behavior, Attendance, Intervention)

DA-207848 Student Wrap Around Program for Positive Behavior, Attendance and Academic Intervention

Grade Level: 9-12

The Dallas ISD serving over 139,000 students, is seeking proposals with proven, evidence-based programming to provide a set of services to include curricular lessons for identified high school students with prior disciplinary issues to include; experiences with the criminal justice system to decrease negative, recurring behaviors, improve decision-making and problem-solving skills in relation to school or community interactions, and academic achievement.

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7:00 PM19:00

Aurora Public Schools- Assessment Platform

3376-24 Assessment Platform

Grade Level: K-12

Aurora Public Schools, currently the fifth-largest school District out of 186
public school Districts in the State of Colorado is soliciting proposals from qualified firms to provide an assessment platform. APS seeks an intuitive, district-wide assessment and data reporting platform that leverages advanced artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning technologies to provide comprehensive assessment development, data analysis, reporting, and data visualization capabilities at the district, school, and classroom levels. The platform should offer embedded tools and resources to facilitate the creation of standards-aligned assessments, enable in-depth analytics and data-driven insights, and deliver customizable reporting features. This holistic assessment and data reporting solution will empower educators, school leaders, and district officials to make informed, data-driven decisions that support effective teaching and learning across the district. See the detailed scope of work beginning on page 15.

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Massachusetts Dept. of Education: Literacy Consultant

Growing Literacy Equity Across Massachusetts (GLEAM), K-5 and 6-12

Grade Level: K-12

The Department is seeking multiple vendors to provide onsite customized support from literacy consultants for ELA/literacy educators participating in the GLEAM program grants and to design, deliver, and facilitate a monthly collaborative network for literacy coaches across the state that supports the development and culturally responsive implementation of evidence-based literacy improvements. This grant will provide funding as well as hands-on support from Department specialists for two to three years for recipients.

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7:00 PM19:00

Newark Board of Education-Leadership Tracking System

9857 Leadership Tracking System

Grade Level: K-12

The Newark Board of Education, serving over 41,000 students, seeks proposals for the purchase and implementation of a comprehensive Leadership Tracking System (LTS) that will enable efficient monitoring, and evaluation, and foster effective leadership development. The District seeks to enhance our efforts in locating talent, grooming potential leaders, and succession planning.

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7:00 PM19:00

Liverpool Central School District -Superintendent Search

2025-001 Consultant Services in Connection With Superintendent Search

Grade Level: K-12

The Board of Education of the Liverpool Central School District (serving over 6,800 students) wishes to engage the services of a qualified search consultant to assist the District in selecting and retaining a Superintendent of Schools. The Board wishes to begin the process of selecting a new Superintendent beginning in January 2025.

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Clover School District Two-Student Registration System

24-1006 Online Student Registration System

Grade Level: K-12

The School District of Clover is soliciting proposals for an Online Student Registration System. The Online Student Registration System should include registration forms for new and returning students. The system should be a secure web-based system specifically designed for PreK2 - 12 school districts. The online registration system must integrate seamlessly with PowerSchool.

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7:00 PM19:00

Salt Lake City School District-Time and Attendance System

TB2515-TAS Time and Attendance System

Grade Level: K-12

The purpose of this RFP is to enter into a contract with a qualified Vendor to provide a Time and Attendance system for the SLCSD. We anticipate this system will service all non-certified employees within the

Based upon the district's current software/hardware solutions, a proposed system must meet or exceed the essential functions noted herein. The SLCSD prefers a non-hosted (on-premise) system, but a hosted (cloud-based) model is acceptable.

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Germantown Municipal School District-LMS

# GMSD FY 2025-002 Learning Management System

Grade Level: K-12

GMSD solicits proposals from qualified participants to provide the district with a Learning Management System (LMS).

Required Features: (Details beginning on page 9)
1. Learning Management System Features
2. Curriculum & Instruction
3. Student Support & Engagement
4. Assessment & Analytics
5. Integration & Compatibility
6. Compliance & Customization
7. Professional Development
8. Administrative Reporting

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Gwinnett County Public Schools- RFI Library Catalog Software

RFI-2502BM Library Catalog Software for Library Media Centers

Grade Level: K-12

GCPS is inviting service providers to submit information about their
Library Catalog Software for Library Media Centers. The purpose of this RFI is to allow GCPS personnel to learn about services provided by various Library Catalog Software providers to determine which one best meets the needs of the size of the district as well as the breadth of desired uses of the tool. GCPS will not enter into a contractual agreement based on this RFI. At some point in the near future GCPS may elect to issue a more detailed Request for Proposal (RFP) in order to solicit solutions for a Library Catalog Software for our system vendor.

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Littleton Public Schools-Website Platform Provider

10-24-2 Website Platform Provider

Grade Level: K-12

As LPS looks to modernize and enhance its digital presence, this RFP seeks a website platform vendor capable of creating a responsive, user-friendly, and accessible website that aligns with the district’s vision. The new platform should improve communication and engagement with parents, students, staff, and community members, while also supporting the district’s growing needs for data management, marketing, and integration with educational technologies.

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