25-B2501 Student Information System (SIS)
Grade Level: K-12
The Puyallup School District is the sixth largest district in the state of Washington, serving a population of approximately 144,030 residents and encompassing 54 square miles. Vendors are invited to submit proposals for a turnkey, cloud or vendor-hosted Student Information System (SIS), to include data migration, integration, training and customization. This project will select a new SIS that meets current requirements and has flexibility for future needs. While the primary purpose of this project is to replace eSchoolPlus, related products may be considered as part of an entire platform. Robust training, targeted to different user groups, will be included in the implementation project. The new Student Information System must be fully implemented by July 2026, to begin school year 2026-27.
RYE Note: Questions regarding this RFP should be submitted on the public purchase website at www.publicpurchase.com and submitted via the “Questions” section of the bid page.