FREE Guide: PreK-12 Pilot and Procurement Cycle


Free Guide: K-12 Pilot and Procurement Cycle

Over ten years and more than 4,000 RFPs later, RYE has built its expertise around school districts' buying cycles and behaviors nationwide. In aggregate, specific patterns emerge from procurement activities that give us insight into a typical school purchasing calendar and the times of year best suited for pipeline-building activities, including school pilots, marketing, and outreach. 

For our 10th birthday, RYE is bringing this knowledge together in our Procurement and Pilot Calendar, downloadable at the link below. Our procurement practice focuses mainly on Professional Learning, Instructional Software, Data Tools, and Supplementary Curriculum, which are the key solution types that provide the backbone of this calendar. As a data-driven resource, we're proud that this calendar brings together a decade of our procurement, pilot, and purchasing insights.

This resource will empower your business, bringing procurement insight to action and helping you identify:

  • RFP Posting TimingYou're offering insights into when school districts typically post Requests for Proposals (RFPs). This information is crucial for companies looking to respond to RFPs and engage with potential clients.

  • Product Differentiation: Your calendar helps businesses understand how to differentiate their product offerings effectively. This is essential for standing out in a competitive market and meeting the unique needs of school districts.

  • Purchasing Timing: Knowing when purchasing typically occurs in school districts allows businesses to align their sales and marketing efforts accordingly. It helps them plan their resources and strategies effectively.

  • Role of Pilots: Understanding how pilots play a role in purchasing decisions is valuable. Pilots can be an essential step in the procurement process, allowing schools to test products before committing to purchase.

  • Impact of ESSER Dollars: You're addressing the influence of ESSER (Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief) funds on the purchasing cycle. These federal funds have significantly impacted educational spending, and understanding this impact is crucial for businesses targeting the education sector.

