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Fulton County Schools-SEL SpEd

210-24, Social Emotional Learning Program for Special Education Program Class

Grade Level: K-12

FCS is seeking a program-wide Social Emotional Learning (SEL) curriculum and programming for a Special Education program class that focuses on students with significant behaviors within FCS. This Special Education program class serves roughly 100 students within 20 classrooms located within 8 of our school buildings. Students being served within this program classroom often have experienced significant trauma in their lives and often have difficulty responding to nonspecific interventions. The goal of this program classroom is to teach students skills to better regulate their emotions which will help them be successful in school and in life. This program aims to create a positive and inclusive learning environment that promotes the social, emotional and academic growth of students with emotional behavior issues that assists students within the Least Restrictive Environment.

RYE Note: Questions regarding the bidding process should be directed in writing to the Executive Director of Contracting via facsimile at (470) 254-1248.