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Union County Schools-Standards-Based Online Assessment

UCSD-2024-INST-001 Standards-Based Online Assessment, Teacher Digital Resources And Personalized Instruction

Grade Level: K-8

Union County Schools is seeking a research-based and proven assessment and instruction solution aligned to the South Carolina State Standards in reading and mathematics. The program must include an assessment suite that addresses a range of assessment needs with one solution, including a web-based, adaptive diagnostic, interim growth monitoring assessments, and assessment of standards mastery. In addition, the platform should include a comprehensive reporting suite for grades K-8 and differentiated online instruction, as well as a digital repository of English Language Arts (ELA) and mathematics instructional resources to guide teacher-led differentiated instruction for students performing at grade levels K–8. See page 8 for more details.

RYE Note: Questions must be sent to, no later than June 20, 2024 @ 12:00 PM. Label any communication regarding your questions with the name of the solicitation's title and number.