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Gallup-McKinley County Schools: Social Emotional Learning: Digital & Print Curriculum & Support Services

RFP# 2022-11KC

Grade Level: K-12

Gallup-McKinley County School District (GMCS or the District) is soliciting proposals from qualified firms to create a layered Social Emotional Learning (SEL) program to include consultation, curriculum, and professional development. Our goal is to design a Districtwide, K-12 program that holistically supports the social-emotional and academic needs of our students.

RYE Note: Layer one of a comprehensive SEL program to incorporate five core competencies as defined by CASEL: Self-awareness, self-management, responsible decision making, relationship skills, and social awareness. Per CASEL, SEL programs are most effective when the curriculum is sequenced, active, focused, and explicit. The proposed program needs to have lesson plans with explicit instructional strategies.

Layer two and three are for support services and professional development for school counselors and school social workers to support students with elevated mental health needs.

To find out more reach out to or the vendor directly!