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Granite School District: In-School Physical Education Program

Title: In-School Physical Education Program

RFP: JG22-14

Grade Level: K-12

Scope of Work: Granite School District is soliciting competitive sealed proposals from qualified vendors to provide in-school physical education programs. The successful program will be able to teach physical activities to our students which can be done during recess time with the help of student monitors, with the assistance of trained personnel from the service provider.

RYE Note:

-Award will be made on March 1st, 2022.

-Proposals must be received electronically through SciQuest and in hard copy. -For this RFP one (1) original and three (3) identical copies of your proposal must be received at Granite School District Purchasing Department, 2500 S. State Street, Salt Lake City, Utah 84115.

To find out more reach out to or the vendor directly!