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Greenville County Public Schools-MLP Curriculum and Support

324-140-7-11 Multilingual Learner Program (MLP) Curriculum and Support

Grade Level: K-12

The District is seeking one or more established providers of evidence-based, and reviewed curriculum and support for multilingual learners in schools in Greenville County. These curriculum and instructional supports should provide a foundation for curriculum, instruction, and assessment for multilingual learners from Grade K through Grade 12. Supports will be deployed in alignment with a multi-tiered system of supports, standards-aligned curriculum, and comprehensive framework for enhancing academic outcomes for students.

This scope of service outlines the requirements for support to improve student outcomes and accelerate learning for ML/ELL learners and should focus on personalized learning, data-driven instruction, research-based interventions, and the integration of the WIDA framework to support English language learners (ELLs). The solution should provide educators with the tools and resources needed to support literacy development in their classrooms.

RYE Note: For questions or comments regarding this solicitation contact Ms. Tonya A. Stroud, Senior Buyer, and Mr. Matt Pettit, Director of Procurement, and