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Lake Havasu SD #1: Sci/SS Curriculum

21-22-02 Science and Social Studies Curriculum Adoption

Grade Level: High Schools

The Lake Havasu United School District #1 is seeking to adopt a basic student textbook and/or comparable digital resources and materials for Science and Social Studies courses. The curriculum should follow state-aligned standards.
Publishers of textbook and curriculum adopted by the District will provide training on how to effectively use the textbook and ancillary materials during the first year of implementation.

Science curricular resources will include but are not limited to 9-12 curriculum.

Social Studies curricular resources will include but are not limited to 7-12 curriculum.

RYE Note: It is anticipated that a contract under this RFP will be awarded to single offeror for each content area. However, the District reserves the right to make a multiple award at the discretion of the Governing Board. Contractors will be awarded by subject course and depending on District need, more than one textbook may be adopted per subject.