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Massachusetts: Administration Preparation

23CISLZ1 - Improving Novice Principal and Administrative Leader Preparation

Grade Level: PreK-12

The Center for Instructional Support at the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education is seeking one or more vendor(s) to support principal preparation and development through (1) developing a model performance assessment for administrator candidates, (2) providing supports for administrator preparation programs, and (3) providing implementation support to pilot the draft School-level Administrator Rubric and Principal Induction and Mentoring Handbook.

RYE Note: For all scopes of work, the vendor must:

1.    Demonstrate expertise in antiracist leadership and educator leadership development, including experience supporting organizational leaders in developing antiracist leadership practices and a commitment to addressing racial inequities within their organization

2.    Provide a timeline and project plan that are thorough, realistic, and demonstrate that the selected scope(s) of work will be fulfilled by June 2023.