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Dallas ISD: Family & Community Engagement Services and Materials

RFP #BG205891

Grade Level: K-12

Dallas ISD is seeking K-12 family engagement parent session delivery, professional development services, and content development/expertise/coaching services in the following areas:

1: The focus will be on providing parent education sessions on ways parents can assist in the success of their child's social-emotional learning, as well as understanding how to navigate district policies and procedures. The sessions may also include parent leadership training.

2: Professional development for campus and/or central staff is needed in order to improve family engagement services. Various professional development audiences shall include central staff, community liaisons, parent instructors, teachers, and other staff members.

3: An established organization with expertise in family engagement research, best practices, technical support to include coaching is desired to support the overall work of the district. This area includes the development of content for presentations, manuals, action plans, as well as coaching and recommendations to improve the district's current work.

RYE Note: RFP submissions can include one, two, or three of the areas outlined above. Choose what complements your services best!

To find out more reach out to or the vendor directly!