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Mesa Public Schools: High School AGA Mathematics Adoption

Bid# 2022221: Academic and Career Planning Resource System

Grade Level: High School

Mesa Public Schools will evaluate and recommend to the Governing Board for the adoption of Mathematics resources for use in Algebra I, Algebra II, Honors Algebra II, Geometry, and Honors Geometry.

The standards-aligned, research-based program should incorporate pedagogy that engages students directly in problem-solving, uses concrete, real-world scenarios, and contains opportunities for the students to apply a variety of mathematical strategies to solve problems.

There should be online components of the program including teacher and student editions of texts, lesson tutorials, videos, lesson plans, and summative and formative assessments.

RYE Note: This contract will be awarded in March of 2022. The contract term will be for seven (7) years.

To find out more reach out to or the vendor directly!